
All Your Formulas, Organized and Accessible

Simplify your salon’s formula management with our intuitive and easy-to-use system.

Effortless Formula Creation and Modification

  • Easily create new formulas from scratch or modify existing ones
  • Input desired measurements and select preferred units of measurement
  • Let our platform handle the rest, saving you time and effort

Digital Formula Management System

  • Store and manage all your formulas in one convenient place
  • Quickly access and duplicate formulas for future sessions
  • Spend less time searching for formulas and more time focusing on your clients

grab Your Formulas from Past Sessions

  • Select “Clients” on the bottom row of the app
  • Search or scroll to select your client’s profile
  • Browse the client’s past sessions and select the desired formula
  • Duplicate any or all aspects of the past formula for your current session

Upgrade Your Salon’s Formula Management

Leverage an innovative and user-friendly system.
Save time, reduce stress,and keep your formulas organized and easily accessible.
Try SalonScale’s formula management solution today and experience the difference for yourself!
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